Alien: Isolation Multiplayer Modes – Co-Op Was Initially

Alien: Isolation Multiplayer Modes - Co-Op Was Initially Considered

Alien: Isolation is free today on the Epic Games Store, reigniting interest in what’s become a classic of the horror genre. Many will be experiencing it for the first time and possibly wondering about multiplayer modes after the Xenomorph gives them one too many hugs.

Facing the iconic monster alongside a buddy in co-op or having an additional Alien: Isolation multiplayer mode would also factor into replayability. Unfortunately, if the Sevastopol and its slender, extraterrestrial inhabitant are proving too frightening, you’re out of luck.

Alien: Isolation Multiplayer Modes - Co-Op Was Initially Considered Alien: Isolation Multiplayer Modes - Co-Op Was Initially Considered

Regardless if you picked the game up at launch or are just heading into it now, there are no Alien: Isolation multiplayer modes or co-op to speak of. The game was designed to be played in single player from the very start, although developer Creative Assembly did consider adding a co-op mode at one point.

“It’s very much about a single player experience. We did think about it, it’s not like we never considered it – and we had some pretty neat ideas around that. But for us the focus always was that single player experience. And I think because you have this dynamic alien and it’s about the player’s choices while they play it, it does mean that you can go back and try different stuff out,” Creative Lead Al Hope told Rock, Paper, Shotgun.

“I think that as soon as you up the amount of humans then you’re no longer as ‘outnumbered’. You know, if you had two or three humans facing up against one alien it’s a completely different experience where you’re working together to overcome it rather than just trying to survive. It just felt better to leave it single player,” UI Lead Jon McKellan added.

Even without an Alien: Isolation multiplayer mode, approaching the game at your own pace is well worth it, since you’re dealing with one of the best horror games on PC.

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