CDPR confirm Cyberpunk 2077 multiplayer in development, game almost exclusively 1st-person

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There’s a whole world of disinformation over what Cyberpunk 2077 will and won’t have, but CD Projekt RED has finally answered a couple of key questions. First and foremost – Cyberpunk 2077 will have multiplayer.

It won’t be in there at launch, but multiplayer is absolutely coming to Cyberpunk 2077 as a post-launch update. It was finally confirmed by CD Projekt RED on Twitter this morning, who put out a message announcing they’re recruiting now for work on the multiplayer component.

“Until now, the only thing we said about multi was that it was in R&D,” wrote CDPR. “As we’re getting closer to launching ‘single player’ Cyberpunk 2077 in Apr. 2020, we’d like to confirm that multiplayer’s in the works!

“The plan for now is to deliver Cyberpunk 2077 in April, then follow up with DLCs (free!) and single player content, and — once we’re done — invite you for some multiplayer action.”

So, we’re getting a huge, single-player only experience on April 16th, a bunch of free DLC and paid expansion packs, and then, finally, some sort of multiplayer component for Cyberpunk 2077. It sounds as if we’re going to be talking about CP2077 for a good while yet.

Onto the second order of interest: Cyberpunk 2077 will be almost exclusively first-person. The only times you’ll be able to see your character is during “very occasional” cut-scenes, while driving vehicles, in mirrors, and on the inventory screen. Some people are bewilderingly up in arms about this but I really don’t know what they were expecting from a first-person RPG. There’s not much else to say on this matter really, other than PC players who are very resistant to the idea of a first-person game probably won’t have to wait long for a mod to arrive.

And, in case you missed it last week, we also got 15 minutes of proper gameplay from Cyberpunk 2077, this time pulled from a section in the middle of the final game. Naturally, this comes with a few spoiler warnings if you happen to want to go in totally blind.

Cyberpunk 2077 is out on April 16th, 2020, for PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Google Stadia.

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