Godhood System Specs and Early Access Release Period

System Requirements

Low vs Ultra Screenshots

GPU Performance Chart

CPU List That Meet System Requirements

GPU List That Meet System Requirements


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Ahh the good ol’days when I would sit around in my pyjamas on a Saturday morning, playing Populous or Mega-Lo-Mania on my Amiga with Squee and Felix. Well the Indie devs over at Abbey games have spent the past 3 years building their new strategy game Godhood, and its just entered early access. to accompany that we have their Godhood system requirements all ready for you below.

Godhood Minimum System Requirements

OS: Windows 64-bit CPU: AMD FX 3.5 GHz / Intel i3 3.0 GHz RAM: 4 GB System Memory GPU RAM: 1 GB Video Memory GPU: Intel HD 4000 DX: DirectX 11 HD: 1 GB available space

Godhood Recommended System Requirements 

OS: Windows 10 64-bit CPU: AMD Ryzen 3.5 GHz / Intel i5 3.0 GHz RAM: 4 GB System Memory GPU RAM: 1 GB Video Memory GPU: AMD Radeon HD 7750 / NVIDIA GeForce GTX 650 DX: DirectX 11 HD: 1 GB available space

Well would you look at that, they have developed it with specs that might still run on my Amiga. Ok it probably couldnt get anywhere near running on an Amiga, but the Godhood specs are nice and low, opening it up for playing on most laptops and perhaps we might see an easy going version on mobile devices at some point?

With just a 1GB VRAM GPU, like the GTX 650 Nvidia or the AMD Radeon HD 7750, quoted for recommended system requirements along with 4GB System memory, most 6 year old PCs will be able to handle that. The CPU is a little more intense but we are still talking about 5 year old CPUs easily meeting the Godhood recommended settings for processor.

So whats Godhood all about then? You create your religion and then you force it down people’s throats. Until eventually you come up against other established religions. Being the deity of your religion you dont directly control your worshippers, you merely “influence” them. Basically you influence them through your divine inspiration and the occasional godly intervention.

Scare the crap out of them to do what you need perhaps? You get to choose how you craft your religion. You might decide to focus your path on lust, war, peace, chastity, which are already available in the early access game. Along with 13 disciple types, plenty of beliefs, talents, relics, missions, miracles all taking place across 4 islands.

Abbey arent a new indie team. They have previously released the popular Reus and Renowned Explorers. They expect to be in early access for a handful more months and say they will continue to develop it beyond the full launch, hoping to include another larger world map, new enemy gods, challenges, relics, commandments and so on.

This week they are offering 10% discount if you want to jump in on their early access.

Take a look at this stream of one of the devs playing around in godhood yesterday and see if it is what you fancy? I have jumped it forward a tiny bit to get you to the action.

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