Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order PC Performance Breakdown And Most Important Graphics Options

System Requirements

Low vs Ultra Screenshots

GPU Performance Chart

CPU List That Meet System Requirements

GPU List That Meet System Requirements


Star Wars: Jedi – Fallen Order

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Praise be, it’s a great Star Wars game. EA has defied its own history in delivering us Respawn’s Star Wars Jedi – Fallen Order. It’s a AAA, single-player, story-driven action game with no microtransactions. It’s basically the complete opposite of Battlefront 2 and a real treat for Star Wars fans.

With Respawn at the helm, and using Unreal Engine 4 this time around, Jedi Fallen Order is a real looker as well. You’ll be exploring strange alien worlds, clambering over monolithic structures, and even taking on AT-ATs. It’s a feast for the senses, in particular the eyes.

As ever, you’re going to want tip top performance though. Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order comes with a relatively paltry selection of graphics settings which you can tweak, and it doesn’t do a particularly good job of explaining what they do either.

The obvious question however, is what do all of these settings do, and how are demanding are they? Well, we’ve got you covered there. Using the chart below you can find out just how demanding each setting is. Along with this, we’ve given priority scores based on how important we believe it is to enable these graphics options.

For the benchmark results below we used a PNY GeForce RTX 2060 XLR8 Gaming 6GB, an Intel Core i7-5820K processor @4.2 GHz, and 16GB DDR4 memory. The benchmarks were performed at 1440p screen resolution.

Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order Graphics Options Performance Breakdown

The further right the bar goes, the more demanding the graphics option is when switched from Medium (the lowest graphics setting) up to Epic (the highest graphics setting). 

Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order Graphics Settings

View Distance

View Distance, or Level of Detail, affects the distance at which higher quality assets are rendered into SWJ: Fallen Order’s world. Lowering this setting will increase noticeable instances of pop-in. Unusually, we encountered negligible performance impact from turning this setting up, although slightly higher FPS drops can be felt during some of the more open areas. Still, the performance hit is nothing particularly egregious so we recommend you get this up to Epic if you can.

Performance Impact – 0/5

Priority – 4/5


Shadow Quality

Shadow Quality is the second most demanding graphics setting in Star Wars Jedi. At an average FPS hit of 5.94% it’s still not huge though. This setting affects the resolution and therefore render quality of all shadows in the world, including shadows cast from the player and NPCs. The difference between Medium and Ultra isn’t particularly noticeable when looking at individual shadows. However, Medium did result in noticeable Shadow pop-in which you can see in the second pair of screenshots.

Performance Impact – 3/5

Priority – 2/5

Here we have the example of the Shadow pop-in. It’s difficult to convey in screenshots but in the Low image there absolutely should be a shadow there. Pan the camera sideways and you can actually see the camera render in, in real time. It’s quite distracting when you notice it so for that reason we’d recommend you push Shadows up to High or Epic in Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order.


Star Wars Jedi comes with a bunch of post-process anti-aliasing affects such as FXAA and SMAA. These forms of AA work by blurring the edges, leading to a slightly muddier image quality yet removing the jagged edges. Our advice here would be to turn Antialiasing up and combine it with Nvidia or AMD Image Sharpening to clean up the image quality.

Performance Impact – 0/5

Priority – 3/5

Texture Quality

This graphics setting adjusts the resolution of textures in SWJ: Fallen Order. How high you set this will depend on the available VRAM on your graphics card. If you have enough for a particularly graphics setting, there will be little to no impact on frame rates. If you don’t, you will notice considerable stuttering. Simply turning this setting a notch at a time until you find a stable setting. Alternatively, lower the render resolution to limit the amount of VRAM Fallen Order uses.

Performance Impact – 0/5

Priority – 4/5

Visual Effects

This setting affects Star Wars Jedi’s particle effects and other such niceties. This is a game loaded with sparks, lasers and lightsabers clashing, so if you want these battles looking their finest then turn this setting up. It’s quite a wide-ranging graphics settings, even affecting the level of fog, so it’s certainly worth considering.

Performance Impact – 2/5

Priority – 3/5


Post Processing

Post Processing is comfortably the most demanding graphics setting in Jedi Fallen Order and will knock around 17% off your frame rate. But what you do get in return? Not much, to be honest. We’ve been messing around with this game for a good few hours and without getting microscopic on the comparison, we’re really not seeing any noticeable change during gameplay. If you really, really start comparing, it seems it’s doing some sort of post process image sharpening but the change is far too small to justify the performance hit. For that reason, set this to Medium and just enjoy the extra frames. 

Performance Impact – 4/5

Priority – 0/5

Motion Blur

Always controversial and with no definitive answer, Motion Blur adds a blur effect to moving objects. The faster the object, the greater the blur. Motion Blur is a simple toggle or off in Fallen Order so, depending on your prefer, switch it as necessary and you shouldn’t notice any performance hit.

Performance Impact – 0/5

Priority – 0/5

Film Grain

Film Grain, sometimes called Film Noise, is a post-process film noise filter that can significantly blur the overall image. It is typically utilised to achieve a more cinematic effect, although it really comes down to your own personal preferences. Turn this graphics setting off for sharper image quality in Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order..

Performance Impact – 0/5

Priority – 0/5

Chromatic Aberration

As with Film Grain and Motion Blur, Chromatic Aberration is a real love it or hate it graphical setting. It is a form of distortion designed to make the image look out of focus, mimicking broken cameras. A lot of people think it looks daft, some like it, so set as you choose. It should be emphasised that by default, all three of CA, Film Grain and Motion Blur are enabled in Star Wars Jedi, so this is ‘as the artist intended’.

Performance Impact – 1/5

Priority – 0/5

Camera Shake

Adds a simulated shaking camera during movement. It’s simple enough really, although we wouldn’t say it improves Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order one way or the other. We’d be inclined to leave it on unless you get particularly motion sick while playing games.

Performance Impact – 0/5

Priority – 1/5

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