Tactical Helicopter sim Comanche is avilable now on Steam Early Access

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High-flying, rotor-spinning, heli-coptering (I don’t know any fancy helicopter slang) game Comanche has just launched in Early Access on Steam. Play single-player, 4v4 multiplayer or improve your skills in combat training exercises with 5 helicopters and 4 drones available at launch.

The developers have stated that they really want the community’s involvement and feedback in the development process, including a fun little blurb about the game itself:

Engines: ready! Weapons: ready! Companion Drone: ready! Pilots: are you ready? Comanche lifts-off today for a routine Early Access Launch on Steam. Mission goals are: generate fun among players. Gather feedback. Return to base and update strategy according to the feedback & upgrade the game regularly.

There is only one mission available for the single player campaign, but more missions will be added regularly. The main focus seems to be multiplayer at the moment and getting community feedback on the helicopters and core gameplay. Each helicopter and drone available have their own set of skills, with specific weapons, strengths and weaknesses unique to each one.

Comanche is out now on Steam Early Access. New and exciting content will be continually added to the game by THQ Noridc and Nukklear up until the game’s release.

What do you think of Comanche? Will you be hopping into the pilot’s seat? Let us know!

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