Valorant Closed Beta launches next week – here’s how to get access

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Riot Games’ latest outing into the competitive multiplayer scene will be getting a closed Beta soon. The multiplayer FPS, Valorant, is a lot like what you’d get if you crossed Counter Strike with Overwatch. Riot Games made the official announcement for the Valorant Closed Beta over on Twitter, but a post on their website explains more of the details:

VALORANT, the competitive, 5v5 character-based tactical shooter built by Riot Games, is getting a closed beta starting April 7. We’re ready for the first wave of players to test VALORANT’s competitive gameplay and take our first step toward building a global community.

The exact Live times are 2pm CET / 6am PST. The Closed Beta will only be available in the United States, Europe, Canada, Turkey, Russia and CIS countries. More regions will become available over the Closed Beta period, and the number of players let in will be based on their current server capacity.

If you want to check out a semi-trailer for Valorant, watch the Gameplay preview below!

How do I get access to Valorant?

According to Riot Games, in order to gain access for the Closed Beta to Valorant you will need to register for a Riot account, link your Riot account to a Twitch account (if you don’t have a Twitch account you will have to create one), and then when the Closed Beta launches you will have to watch specific Valorant Closed Beta livestreams on Twitch.

Some questions about the Closed Beta for Valorant:

Any progress you make in the Closed Beta for Valorant will not be carried over to the official launch of the game, as Riot Games would like everybody’s progress to start at the same time when the official release for Valorant launches in Summer 2020.

The Valorant Closed Beta has no approximate end date as of yet, but Riot Games stated that they want to keep it as short as possible whilst they work on getting additional regions available. They’re still planning on hitting that Summer 2020 launch date for Valorant, but the Closed Beta end date could very well change depending on user feedback.

Purchases will be available during the Closed Valorant Beta through their in-game store to buy skins etc. Though if you manage to get access to the Closed Beta for Valorant and buy some ‘Valorant Points’, you will receive them all back when the game officially launches in Summer 2020 (as per the progression reset) but you will also receive a 20% bonus for engaging in their work-in-progress store. Though Riot Games stressed that the pricing details are also very much a work-in-progress and don’t represent what will be available at launch.

What do you think of Valorant? Are you excited? Will you be trying to participate in the Closed Beta? Let us know!

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