First Project Resistance gameplay shown – 4v1 multiplayer with a ‘Mastermind’ dungeon master

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Finally, we’ve got the mother-load for Resident Evil fans keen to see what Project Resistance is. Capcom has showcased the first gameplay overview trailer for Project Resistance, revealing it absolutely is a 4v1 asymmetric multiplayer survival horror game.

The four in this scenario are a group of fully customisable survivors, each with unique skills, abilities, and stat advantages. They need to work together to puzzle and fight their way through a maniacal dungeon of death overseen by the ‘Mastermind’, the ‘1’ in the 4v1. 

The Mastermind has full overview of the level with a bank of CCTV cameras. They can use these to spy on the survivors, spawn in different enemy types, used mounted machine guns on the cameras, and even assume the role of one of the many enemy types to directly attack the players. And yes, you can play as a Tyrant or a Licker.

This isn’t meant to be denigrating but it is a title which has the whiff of free-to-play to it. The idea, at least at this early stage, is fairly limited and arcade-like and it absolutely is the sort of game which would make some big bucks from cosmetic microtransactions and different looks for your character. It’s also dangerously well-placed to benefit from pay-to-win MTX, although we’d hope Capcom would stay well away from that particular quagmire. The mastermind could have shorter cooldown timers, for example, or the survivors could spawn in with a particularly powerful weapon. Anyway, we’re still a long way from seeing how Capcom’s plans for Project Resistance actually shake out. Their recent run of form has us cautiously optimistic though.

There’s no word on a release date yet for Project Resistance, nor are we any closer to finding out what the game’s real name even is.

However, there will be a closed beta test which is due to run from October through to October 7th. You can register your interest here although it looks as if it may be limited to PS4 and Xbox One users, at least for the time being. Still, no harm in giving it a shot.

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