Football Manager 2020 announced, game runs faster on Google Stadia than any other platform

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Football Manager 2020

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It’s not exactly the biggest surprise but Sega and Sports Interactive have unveiled Football Manager 2020, the latest outing in the long-running footie management simulation series. FM2020 is set to come to PC, Mac, and Google Stadia in November 2019, teasing plenty of new changes and mechanics for would-be managers.

A grand total of 50 countries are represented worldwide, comprising over 2,500 football clubs and more than half a million real players and staff all amassed from comprehensive scouting data.

Interestingly, Football Manager 2020 is pretty much the first game we’ve been told about which actually stands to benefit from the cloud streaming technology for Google Stadia. Sports Interactive is claiming the power of the cloud will drastically reduced load times and allow more leagues to be simulated simultaneously. 

“Football Manager on Stadia includes technology that is only available on that platform, utilising the power of the cloud and Google’s data centres to ensure that more matches can be processed in parallel utilising spare bandwidth across the whole system – this means you can have more leagues loaded into your save, or just go for a faster experience by keeping the amount of leagues the same, but having the matches process quicker than you can on any other platform,” explains Miles Jacobson, studio director at Sports Interactive.

It’s probably an ideal partnership, to be honest, as Football Manager has always been synonymous with non-gaming laptop users and footie fans who aren’t your typical ‘gamer’. There’s definitely a market there for a faster version; my old leagues at uni used to have achingly long simulation times with our crappy laptops. We also crappy internet though, so make of that what you will.

Football Manager 2020 is out in early November for PC and Google Stadia.

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