Up For Debate – How seriously do you take Data Privacy?


It’s data privacy day! Or #DataPrivacyDay if you’re a fan of smashing Like & Subscribe buttons. So let’s celebrate Data Privacy Day by debating over the long-running conversation that started since the very birth of the internet, or you know, when those pesky corporations signed a deal with the devil, in blood, in order to steal our emails and plaster the web with their targeted ads.

We mostly want to hear what exactly you do to keep your data private on the internet, if anything at all, but here’s our take on it:

As the internet continues to grow and evolve, so does its users, and along with that growth comes the ever prevalent topic of data privacy. I’m sure most of us have heard of VPN’s, Adablockers and all sorts that promise to protect you online. But are they even worth it? When using public WiFi, a VPN is certainly invaluable as any other user could access the data shared on the public WiFi. But, at home, a VPN doesn’t have much use outside of illegal downloading, those folks who love nothing more than a good sea shanty.

I sometimes find the argument “if you’ve got nothing to hide then what’s the problem” a bit irritating. How would you feel if a random stranger knocked on your door and asked to look around your apartment? Would you welcome them with open arms and offer a cup of coffee? Or would you politely say no and close the door on their face?

Though data privacy is a lot more than just VPNs or AdBlock. Certain companies and websites will offer their own protocols on data privacy: Facebook, for example, is getting more and more strict with its privacy and security protocols regarding how much you share with others and the company itself. Or secure passwords on multiple websites: there are a lot of services out there now that generate passwords consisting of letters, numbers and symbols that are arranged into complete, incoherent gibberish. You can even further enhance your password security by generating distinct ones for every website you log into.

The distinct problem here, and the one which most people tend to focus on, is the issue of companies taking your data and selling it to third-parties who then target adverts back to the user depending on the information provided. It’s a moral issue here and certainly one to think about for a long time (but more specifically to think about today, hashtag-data-privacy-day and all that). Obviously people hacking into your accounts/computers and stealing your information for nefarious reasons like identity fraud or theft are an inherent problem when it comes to technology and the internet itself. But then isn’t that an issue for data security not data privacy? Which is a totally different topic to talk about.

What do you think? Should all data be private? Or should it be open for everyone to see on the internet? Or do you believe there is a sweet spot in the middle which we should aim for?

Whatever your stance on data privacy we want to hear from you what exact measures you take (or don’t take) in order to protect yourself online. Are you a VPN connoisseur? An AdBlock junkie? Or are you one of those free-willy types who doesn’t care because you have nothing to hide?

And please, remember to drop your credit card details, PIN numbers, the name of your first pet, the street your grew up on, and your mother’s maiden name down in the comments section below!

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