Assassin's Creed Valhalla A Seer's Solace Quest Guide –

Assassin's Creed Valhalla A Seer's Solace Quest Guide - Where to Find Valka's Hut?

Where can you find Valka’s hut to progress through Assassin’s Creed Valhalla’s A Seer’s Solace quest? How do you reach it?

Early during your time as Viking warrior Eivor, AC Valhalla will task you with finding Valka’s hut during the A Seer’s Solace quest.

You can only pick up the quest after you’ve completed Honor Bound, so make sure to first have Gunnar repair your father’s axe.

Assassin's Creed Valhalla A Seer's Solace Quest Guide - Where to Find Valka's Hut? Assassin's Creed Valhalla A Seer's Solace Quest Guide - Where to Find Valka's Hut?

Assassin’s Creed Valhalla A Seer’s Solace Quest

After starting it, the quest informs you that Valka’s hut is in the mountains north of Fornburg. It’s actually slightly northwest and northeast of Sjaleng lookout.

Thankfully, you can use its quest marker as a permanent guide as you make your way there.

Head toward the quest marker and take the snowy path up the mountain just outside of Fornburg. Your horse will make the short journey quicker, but you’ll soon have to dismount.

Climb the rocks, then follow the narrow paths marked by white flags. Look out for raw material deposits on your way to Valka’s hut, as they can provide a nice early boost to your resources.

You’ll know you’re on the right path if you have to cross a tightrope above a chasm. That being said, there likely are multiple ways of finding Valka’s hut in AC Valhalla.

Mixing rock climbing with following the flag-marked path will eventually get you there, as long as you keep track of the quest marker.

Valka’s hut somewhat defies expectations. Instead of a humble abode, the wooden building you must reach during the A Seer’s Solace quest is actually quite tall and stands out once you’re near it.

Additionally, the game also lets you know when you’ve reached it using text that usually appears when you discover new locations.

Now that you know where to find Valka’s hut in AC Valhalla, completing the A Seer’s Solace quest should be easy enough.

As soon as you enter, a cutscene will play that results in Eivor journeying to another realm. Simply follow the figures in the distance and you’ll not only learn more about the protagonist but also finish the quest.

You can find more Assassin’s Creed Valhalla guides, including one on the max level and one covering Ledecestrescire Wealth items, by searching GameWatcher.

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